moveINN hostel
moveINN is a friendly, modern and wheelchair-friendly hostel with 94 sleeping places for school groups, conference guests, families and individuals. We surprise our visitors with beautiful ones rooms, good food and creative dishes.
Facilities moveINNhotel:
- 94 beds in 23 rooms, 4 of which are wheelchair accessible
- each room with private shower and toilet
- overnight stay including breakfast, on request half or full board
meals and drinks are available in moveINN - washer and dryer in the house
- 100% wheelchair-friendly building
- the entire building is equipped with free Wi-Fi
- television on demand
- 4 universally usable group and meeting rooms
- dining room with conservatory
- parking places for car and bus at the house
- reception open from 7 am - 9 pm
- 8 bowling alleys, 2 indoor soccer courts, 2 indoor tennis courts and a multifunctional sports hall directly at home.
[! [description] (http://www.touristserver.nl/img/72650/B220X220/info_center.jpg)] (https://www.google.de/maps/place/moveINN/@52.4237589,7.0798779,3a , 75y, 58.81h, 90t / data =! 3m7! 1e1! 3m5! 1sTL311acL-KcAAAQvOh-vYg! 2e0! 3e2! 7i13312! 8i6656! 4m2! 3m1! 1s0x0: 0xe1ded7fcbfd2f06b! "6)! 6m! Click on the button for a virtual tour through the hotel!
contact information
Am Sportpark 9
D48531 Nordhorn (Duitsland)